Import Clearances
Receive your goods faster and avoid storage charges.
Import Clearance
Import Clearance
All goods imported into Australia are subject to customs and quarantine controls.
The regulations and processes surrounding the clearance of your imports can be complicated and challenging.
You need someone who can manage your cargo importation requirements and offer you efficient service.
Exportair are happy to assist you and act as your direct representation. Our aim is for you to receive your goods faster and avoid storage charges.
Exportair will communicate on your behalf with Australia’s customs and quarantine authorities to ensure that your clearance requirements are met.
Australian law requires that all goods are assessed for Customs Duties, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and possibly other taxes, and for quarantine risks.
It is possible that no duties or taxes are payable.
Exportair remain up-to-date with Australian Government regulations.
You can rely on our experience and dedication for the efficient clearance of your cargo.
- Assistance with all customs clearance
- Advice on duty, taxes & GST implications for imports
- Advice on AQIS procedures
- Assistance with SAC clearances on imported goods worth under $1000
- Delivery of your goods to your residence or business